Knowing Your Strengths

Getting to Know How You and Your Coworkers Work Together Best

Strategy, messaging, graphic design, web development, project management, sales, vendor relations, SEO, social media, and so on! The team at Ampersand includes different personalities, strengths and skillsets, and that is what makes our company so strong. When looking to hire at Ampersand, we seek out people with unique skills and passions that will add to our dynamic and make the team even stronger.

Recently, we all took the Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment from Gallup, Inc. and found out more about our personalities and how we can all work together to execute projects more successfully. Over time, we all figure out how to communicate with one another and who to talk to for the best advice on solving certain problems, but this assessment took our knowledge of one another to the next level. It also gave us insight on the overall personality strengths of our company as a whole.

Read our bios for descriptions of our individual five strengths, and take a look at how our strengths distribute across the team below.

Picture of Ampersand


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