Five Tips for Leading Committed Growth

Five Tips for Leading Committed Growth

When people ask us what defines a good client for Ampersand, our response is actually quite simple. It’s not revenue, company size, or industry that matters – it’s a sincere, dedicated commitment to growth. It takes risk, hard work, tough decisions, and sacrifice. Not just spending money, saving money, or selling more.

As I sit in my office on this Saturday morning sulking a bit because I have to work, I’m reminded of this and reflect on what’s gotten us this far in our business. So, digging deep, here are five tips for me… and for you when “Leading Committed Growth” in your own life or business.

1. Make Hard Decisions NOW

In any business, there are hard decisions that plague us – technology upgrades, staff changes, eliminating dying product lines, financial investments, and more. Whatever the hard decision is, make it NOW. Chances are, your gut knows the inevitable future, so don’t let it plague you. Do your due diligence, but take action as soon as possible. You’ll feel the weight lifted off your shoulders, gain momentum, and move forward!

2. Watch the Gas Gauge

It doesn’t matter how great you are at your job and how strong of a work ethic you have, you have to fuel yourself. Watch the gas gauge. You’ll know when you are starting to feel empty, drained, or tired. Stop and find your fuel then! Be it a hobby, social time, music, writing, or any other outlet – if you don’t fuel up when you need it you’ll find yourself on the side of the road, frustrated, and out of gas! (I mentioned the pity party earlier. Blogging is my “fuel” today so I can move onto the tough stuff next.)

3. Focus on One Big “PUSH” Goal that Excites You

If you are anything like me, you have dozens of “goals” and things to accomplish. Find the central themes those goals encircle and roll them together into one big PUSH goal that excites you. This push can then become a “mantra” for accomplishing the small goals.

4. Make Long Hours = Fun

Priorities are important. But as the leader of a growing firm, you have more than enough on your to-do list to keep you busy for the next 50 years. Redefine how you get work done. During regular office hours and the 8-5 “grind”, work on the things you dislike or have been putting off. When you have to work long hours or weekends, pull out the fun stuff that you WANT to work on so the sacrifice of free time doesn’t drain you. It all needs to get done regardless!

5. Celebrate Successes

In our business, we’ve been blessed with new clients, new projects, great outcomes, and more. Sometimes we forget to stop the chase and celebrate. If you don’t celebrate, you aren’t recognizing that commitment GETS you somewhere!

Hopefully these tips help instill commitment, or encourage you that the extra hours, time, and sacrifice are worth it. Now… I’ve got to get to work!

Heather Noel

Heather Noel

I love to think big thoughts and set big goals. But more than that, it’s been so rewarding to build a great team to help accomplish them.
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