Never Run Out of Social Media Content Ideas Again!

33 Creative Social Post Ideas

One of the best ways to market your business is through social media. It’s also a fun way to interact with fans, clients, and future business at virtually no cost. However, from time-to-time you may get stuck when it comes to generating new ideas. Below is a go-to list of 33 creative post ideas to keep your followers engaged and you inspired!

  1. Post a Quote – Inspirational, funny or motivational. #motivationalmonday
  2. Fill-in-the-blank posts – “The ultimate breakfast food is __________.”
  3. Polls – This or That? Would you rather eat 100 packets of fire sauce or drink a gallon of milk? Mac or PC?
  4. Sneak Peek Photos – Candid shots, something in the works, or what you’re currently working on!
  5. Stats – Share the latest numbers, news, or an article relating to your industry.
  6. Re-blog – Post an old blog post. Recycle previous content and add #throwbackthursday.
  7. Ask a Question – If you had an extra hour in your day, what would you do with it? What is your favorite color?
  8. Share a post – Search your newsfeed for something interesting and relevant, then share it!
  9. Post a Playlist – Ask for suggestions on music or post what your are listening to for the day.
  10. Post an Infographic – Find an infographic that relates to your followers. Daily infographics has them for free!
  11. Share a recent case study or a success story.
  12. Testimonials – Share a photo of raving fans & their story or a testimonial video! (With their permission of course.)
  13. Post a photo of fans using your product or experiencing your service!
  14. Share a great book you’ve recently read & your thoughts on it.
  15. Start a ‘day in the life’ mini series that features a quick look at an employee or team member and what they do in a day.
  16. Share a Pinterest board!
  17. Share photos of an event you recently attended. Create a photo album or post pictures and tag people who attended with you. (It could even be a networking lunch or after 5 event.)
  18. Start a contest. Encourage followers to respond with a photo instead of just a comment. (Give away a prize for the winner!)
  19. Interview an employee or the whole team and post their answers to your questions.
  20. Any recent awards or nominations? Share the news!
  21. Share any company news or highlights from the past month.
  22. Thank your fans or followers! (Give supporters a virtual high-five, it can really go a long way.)
  23. Weekly Round Up – Post the ‘must read’ articles, blogs, or stories of the week.
  24. Post a sneak peek or a snippet of a blog post you’ve been working on to gain anticipation.
  25. Share a resource – A website you find helpful or even another blog post or tool!
  26. Ask for reviews!
  27. Share a tip – They can even be totally random. (Ex. Organization Tip #33: Color code your company calendar.)
  28. Recommend a business, vendor, or partner you’ve done good business with.
  29. Support a cause – Post a link to a non-profit or fundraiser and encourage your followers to give back.
  30. Acknowledge your raving fans by holding a fan of the month! Let them know you appreciate working with them.
  31. Any odd holiday’s today? Post about it! (Days of the Year can help you out with that.)
  32. Drive engagement on other platforms – Do you have a LinkedIn? YouTube? Twitter? Ask followers to check you out on those platforms too!
  33. What’s in your wallet? Pull back the curtain and post what’s in the company fridge today, what people are having for lunch or what their desks look like.

Happy Posting!

Picture of Anna Trokan

Anna Trokan

My passion for the brands of our clients extends far beyond just the creation of a logo! I enjoy helping the Ampersand team perfect all aspects of the look and the feel of the companies we work with.
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